
From Biohacking Wiki

Bovine Colostrum

What Is It

When mama cow births a calf, the first thick, yellow-gold pre-milk she produces is packed with antibodies and probiotics for growing calf at its most vulnerable stage of life.

This “liquid gold” is called colostrum. Human mothers produce it too, and that’s why initiatives have popped up in hospitals to encourage mothers to breastfeed shortly after birth. The sooner babies get protection from colostrum, the better.[1]

Protein Quality

  • Biological value: Starts high and drops off steadily after the birthing date. It starts at ~130 and slowly goes down by 10-15% until standard milk production takes over.


  • Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS): 1.0[4]
  • Amino acid profile: Complete


  • Contains growth factors that trigger DNA synthesis and cell growth.,[5]intended to help with early growth in babies and calfs.
    • These benefits are not limited to the young. Athletes who took bovine colostrum saw an improvement in performance,[6] a jump in measurable insulin-like-growth factor 1 (IGF-1) as well as enhanced lean body mass.[7][8]
  • Boosts immune system with probiotics and antibodies
  • High bioavailability


  • Colostrum contains small amounts of casein and lactose, which may trigger reactions for those with dairy sensitivities.
  • More expensive than most other protein sources


Liposomal Colostrum: