
From Biohacking Wiki

{{subst:Medical Conditions}}


True gout with high uric acid or psuedogout with calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (aka CPPD)



  1. Uric acid overproduction from increased purines in the diet
  2. Uric acid overproduction from ATP degradation
  3. Uric acid overproduction from increased de novo synthesis of purines
  4. Uric acid overproduction from increased DNA breakdown from cell damage
  5. Decreased uric acid elimination, caused by molybdenum and sulfur binding to copper in the kidneys
  6. Precipitation of sodium urate-iron crystals in the joints due to high ferritin and saturated transferrin and low CuZn-SOD and Cu-thionein in the joint
  7. Development of inflammation, triggered by tyrosine bonding to the sodium-urate-iron crystals and being transformed by tyrosine kinase


Detox Protocols

  • Infrared sauna
  • Activated charcoal
  • Enemas


https://www.amazon.com/Biotics-Research-Carbamide-Plus-Capsules/dp/B007UFVS0O/ https://www.swansonvitamins.com/bio-nutrition-gout-out-60-veg-caps

"Stop eating beef/shellfish. stop drinking beer. Take ibuprofen for 4-5 days. Elevate and ice the joint. Lots of water. Wim Hof Method breathing" "Address kidney function as they are not eliminating uric acid" "If he's actively suffering from a bout, skip the cherry juice and other food-based solutions as those are long term maintenance ideas. He needs to elevate his foot and really focus on reducing inflammation in every way possible. Naproxen, lots of water, turmeric, minimize sugars, and anything that will minimize aggravating the joint. Once the bout has passed, yes look into long term solutions, and determine whether it's actual gout or pseudogout. Determine which foods and/or environmental stressors are causing inflammation for him. If it's actual gout (uric acid) look into why his kidneys aren't dealing with it. If it's pseudogout (calcium) he may also want to check for the presence of kidney stones and learn how to minimize the forming of calcium deposits online." "Severe copper deficiency. Add chelated copper 3x daily" "Many find immediate relief from baking soda" "celery seed" "Jamee Fleullan Perhaps you could be having low protein synthesis, creating uric acid buildup. Of course an acidic situation, high inflammation/pain. To dissolve crystalline peptides, or inorganic material look for stone busting herbs like marshmallow root, hydrangea, devils claw, Yellowdock, burdock, licorice root. Address and reassess your detox pathways by boosting your liver and kidney functions. Dandelion is less harsh and can be taken daily. Milk Thistle is strong but works yet can cause die off if taken for long periods. Paired with apple cider vinegar, lemon water, baking soda regiment, and tart cherry concentrate. Basically want to add up your antioxidants and flush the blood. Perhaps an occasional enema. Also finding a good protelytic enzyme and a curcumin supplement. Hope this helps." "Donating Blood"

"Jill Beucler Sometimes its due to a potassium deficiency. Have him look up Dr Berg. He has great youtube videos about it."